
June 2002
The facts and opinions expressed are those of Bruce Anderson
The Toxic Contents from Both Landfills on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site should be Removed
Toms River, New Jersey
Approximately 38,000 drums of toxic waste will be left on the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site in one landfill, while 35,000 drums of toxic waste will be removed from another. EPA officials have expressed no interest in these additional drums and are not interested in the public concern.

Why aren't our government agencies working with and protecting the citizens, instead of having close ties to the corporate giants. It is only common sense to remove all drums of toxic waste now, not when the drums leak and pollute our aquifer, which will occur over time. Toms River has enough contamination plumes to
deal with, why clean up one and leave a potential one for our children? The access road to remove these drums is here today and removal can be completed if only the company and our officials would listen to our concerns.

We encourage the public to help us by writing letters to the Governor of New Jersey, Senators and Representatives on all levels requesting that action be taken to remove all toxic drums of waste buried on the Ciba Geigy superfund site. Please help support our efforts, for now is the time to take action to remove these additional 38,000 drums.
This link is to the March 2002 cover page on Cell 1 and the 38,000 additional drums
This link is to the News Article on the EPA Meeting of May 29,2002.
This link is to the Asbury Park Press Editorial of June 1, 2002
We fully support the Township of Manchester Resolution Urging Testing at the Ciba-Geigy Site
Whereas, it has come to the attention of the Township Council of the Township of Manchester that the Environmental Protection Agency is investigating possibilities of testing and monitoring at the Ciba Geigy Site in Dover Township; and,
Whereas, the Township representatives have attended public meetings regarding testing and monitoring: and,
Whereas, it is the opinion of the Township Council that while the EPA has made some changes in monitoring air quality and clean up, these changes may not be sufficient to ensure health and safety at the site; and,
Whereas, the Township Council believes that there should be wind direction testing, off-site monitoring, and follow up testing from the drum landfill cleanup; and,
Whereas, the Township Council believes that it is in the best interest of the health and safety of the residents of the County of Ocean to more strictly enforce environmental testing at the Ciba Geigy Site.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Manchester, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, as follows:
1. That the EPA should implement a program to test wind direction, off-site monitoring, and follow up testing from the drum landfill cleanup.
2. That the Township Clerk shall forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the following: Ocean County Board of Health, EPA, DEP, etc..
If only other Township Council's would also pass resolutions similar to this. One of our concerns is the off-site air monitoring. The EPA has refused our request for off-site air monitoring. The public has to be aware that the EPA failed to monitor the air quality when they incinerated the contaminated soil at Reich Farm in Toms River, NJ.
Waste Disposal
Concerns have been raised outside of Toms River as far as where the toxic waste in the drums in the drum disposal area will be disposed. As we were against incineration in Toms River we are not for incineration in any other town, state or country. Tentative disposal options were presented at the last EPA meeting:
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Disposal options for hazardous material
Off-site incineration
- CWM Model City: Model City, NY
- Giant Resources Recovery: Harleyville, SC
- Rinco: Benton, Arkanas
- Bennett Environmental:Quebec, Canada
- Fuel Blending
- Cycle Chem: Lewisbury, PA; Elizabeth, NJ
- Clean Harbors: Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL
Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal
Disposal options for non-hazardous material
- WM American Landfill:Model City,NY
- BFI King & Queen: Old Dominion, VA
- WM GROWS: Morrisville, PA
- Fuel Blending/Incineration
- CWM Model City:Model City,NY
- Giant Resouce Recovery:Harleyville, SC
- Cycle Chem: Lewisbury,PA; Elizabeth, NJ
- Clean Harbors: Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL
Please Continue to Conserve Water Use
Please help by conserving our precious water. With lack of precipitation this winter our water resources are low. If we conserve now, maybe we can avoid further water restrictions later.
Several important meetings are scheduled, for further details look under "Local Events" on the sidebar or click on this link.
The previous cover page can be found under "RESOURCES", Previous Month's Cover Pages.